Lesní pedagogika.cz


Forestry High School Hranice

Forest at night – Shadow theatre

Mystery and adventure – This is what we can count on in this programme.

Shadow theatre is one of possibilities how to use the dark in the programmes of forest pedagogics.

Shadow theatre has a long and successful history. However, for forest educators, it is a platform, on which they can communicate facts about the forest and nature in an entertaining way while using sensory perception.

As to the technical equipment, a projection screen is needed (translucent paper or canvas), a source of light and paper puppets and coulisses at the best, or hand movements. Advantageous can be using a snow cache where we can do only with a source of light and movements of hands or puppets.

What we cannot do without however, is a story – the narration we illustrate by making use of light and dark.

In our programme, we are going to present you our story first as a model (ca. 30 minutes) and then we will let the participants to try the activity themselves. They can use stories that we offer and the prepared requisites or the participants can come with a story of their own and their own requisites. The performance should take no more than 5 minutes so that everyone can manage to perform.

You will have about 50 minutes to prepare the story.

Total duration of the activity is 2 hours.
